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How Do I Set Up A Testing Program?

While setting up a drug testing program can be a complex process, it doesn't have to be.  We've created this simple guide to show you how to establish your program in seven easy steps:


1) Find a drug testing provider.
Finding the right provider can make all the difference.  A good drug testing provider, like IHSN, will help you through the process of setting up your program, step by step.  


2) Set up a clear, consistent written drug testing policy.
It is important to have a written drug testing policy.  This is essentially a contract between the employee and the employer.  In the policy, the employer states that they are committed to having a drug-free workplace, and that employees are not allowed to use illegal drugs or alcohol on the job.  Furthermore, the policy lets the employee know for what reasons they may be tested, such as pre-employment (as a job applicant), at random, for reasonable suspicion, etc.  The policy also states the consequences for an employee who tests positive, or comes forward with a drug or alcohol abuse problem.  A clear, consistent policy is at the heart of every successful drug testing program.  IHSN provides free resources that you can use  to help create your company's drug testing policy.  However, because the needs of each company are different and laws vary by state, IHSN always recommends working with your attorney to finalize your company policy.


3) Establish your record keeping system
To assist you in orderly and efficiently completing and maintaining your DOT drug and alcohol testing records, IHSN has developed a comprehensive set of forms and record keeping checklists.  IHSN's Drug and Alcohol Testing Forms Packet and Online Compliance and Resource Center are filled with valuable tools to help you keep your records organized.


4) Find local facilities to perform collections for you.
No drug testing program can be complete without a location for your employees to go to be tested.  Of course, you can choose to perform your own collections in house, but most companies choose to use an outside provider, often a local hospital, clinic, medical doctor, or chiropractor.  There are also companies that specialize in just providing drug screen specimen collection services.    Of course, if you use IHSN as your drug testing provider this becomes much easier!  IHSN will take care of setting up all of your testing locations for you.  We will find and contact the collection sites, ensure that the sites provide the  services to meet your program needs, provide the site with specific instructions for your account, and ship the site all of the  testing supplies.


5) Train your supervisors about your program
Effective supervision is key to a drug-free workplace program.  One of the most important considerations is the need to focus on job performance and avoid attempting to become a counselor or diagnostician.  Supervisors should be able to recognize patterns of behavior that might indicate employee problems -- and be prepared to refer employees to appropriate sources of help.  Training for supervisors is essential for an effective workplace program.  IHSN has solutions to help meet your training needs.


6) Train/Educate your employees about your policy and drug abuse.
It is important that every employee in your organization receives a copy of your drug testing policy, and information about drug abuse in general.  Educating your employees about drug abuse will help to decrease alcohol and drug abuse in your organization.  IHSN has tools that you can use to educate your employees. 


7) Consider an Employee Assistance Program (EAP)
A great optional compliment to any drug-free workplace program is an EAP.  An EAP is a confidential service that helps employees deal with a variety of personal problems that may be interfering with their work performance.  Consulting an EAP, as with any form of counseling, should be voluntary.  More than ever before, EAP services are available to smaller business at very affordable (Almost negligible) costs.  You may already have an EAP program in place without even knowing it!  Many health insurance providers bundle EAP services with health insurance at no extra cost.  


IHSN is here to help you through these steps.  Call us at (800) 880-4444 to receive a customized service proposal.


Go back to IHSN's Drug Testing Essentials

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